Saturday, August 20, 2016

Fruitland for Greyson's Blessing

We are in Fruitland for Greyson's baby blessing. It is fun to stay with Ginger and Sam and family. 

Mom and Dad are here also. We had lunch at Idaho Pizza with Karen, Leroy, and Marita. It was fun to catch up with them. 

Here are some Pics of Grandpa and Grandma's graves in Payette. 

And then we drive by the old farm where Dad grew up. 

And here is the farm house and milking barns. 

It was fun to hear dad talk about swimming in the pond. He and Dan stayed in a bunk house. Ned and Gliria had a house trailer that they stayed in. And dad said their dog was killed on the main road about every two years. It is fun that Ginger and Sam live so close to the farm.